
Mr. Lim How Teck joins Skyfy Technology as an Advisor

Joseph Ng-Lim How Teck

You would have definitely heard of Mr Lim How Teck if you’re passionate about entrepreneurship, investing and business management.

Being the Chairman, Director, and Advisor to various companies in Singapore, Mr Lim can be considered a maverick when it comes to running a business.

Thinking differently doesn’t necessarily means you’re eccentric, breaking technology and theories weren’t thought by people with a common mindset. They were thought by mavericks.

When it comes to problems solving, Mr Lim is often the one that “thinks differently” with his years of accumulated wisdom.

With experiences comes wisdom – with wisdom, comes success. One does not gain enlightenment naturally while aging, he gains it with experiences.

Mr Lim How Teck’s success today did not come naturally either, he slugged for it.

During busy seasons, he worked from 9am to 6pm in the office, taught from 7.30pm to 9.30pm, dashed back to the office to finish his work, dozed off on four chairs placed in a row, then washed his face and resumed work the next day. – Justice For Workers, Singapore

This was his ladder to success, a ladder that no one except Mr Lim himself could climb. The climbing process was an arduous one, but Mr Lim made it.

Today, Mr Lim How Teck is married to his lovely wife and has two children, aged 29 and 35.

Mr Lim is currently the Chairman of Redwood International Pte Ltd, Heliconia Capital Management Pte Ltd and ARA-CWT Trust Management (Cache) Limited.

He is also a Board Director of PNG (Papua New Guinea) Sustainable Development Program, The Foundation for Development Cooperation (FDC), FDC Pacific, Mizuho Securities (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Greenship Offshore Manager Pte. Ltd, Heliconia Holdings Pte. Ltd, Yang Kee Logistics (Singapore) Pte Ltd and Singapore DTT Corporation Pte Ltd.

Lastly, Mr Lim is the Senior Advisor to LLC, and Advisor to KPISOFT Pte Ltd, IMCSE Limited (International Monetary Crypto Securities Exchange) and of course, Skyfy Technology Pte Ltd.

With these numerous imperative roles and responsibilities for Mr Lim, he still chose to be the advisor for Skyfy Technology.

Why? Simply because he believes in Skyfy. “I believe in Skyfy’s potential and their aspiring vision to be the best Logistics Enabler for SMEs in Singapore.” as said by Mr Lim when asked the same question.

When questioned about the opinion of Joseph Ng Kim Wah, Skyfy’s Director, Mr Lim commented “I caught the glimpse of my own shadow in Joseph, he’s a hardworking chap with the undying mentality of being successful. You don’t see many entrepreneurs being this driven at Joseph’s age, he’s like a Road Runner with unlimited energy.” which Mr Lim ended it with a laugh.

“Skyfy Technology grew from 10 to over 1000+ clients and 4 to 42 staff in a short 1.5 years. This isn’t something a regular SME can achieve even if given 5 years time.” Mr Lim added.

Skyfy Lim How Teck

Skyfy Technology is now looking for more Strategic Partners and Investors that have the same foresight as Mr Lim How Teck. If you’re interested in partnering or investing in Skyfy Technology, please call Joseph at 9666 4141.

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